Thursday, November 26, 2009

Perfect Red Wine

I have been to the supermarket and to the local shops, bought some very good products and spent most of the day preparing a dinner party for some really good friends. The other half has helped and we have managed not to hit each other "sharing" the kitchen and even the washing up has been done.
Everything is nearly ready, the table is set and I asked the other half to select some wine from the wine rack but for some reason the rack is empty. I didn't realise that we had drunk the last few bottles. (Must have been a good night). Not a problem though because it always makes sense to have some in reserve and there is a new case of my favourite in the garage. Now for some people this would be a problem because red wine in a garage will be cold but I have the solution. A friend had bought me an early Christmas and Birthday present of a Therm au Rouge red wine sleeve which is an excellent invention. Just pop the sleeve around the bottle, click the button and wait a few minutes- the wine is then at the required temperature.

Another brilliant item that I use for wine is the Rouge O2 electronic wine breather. You know when you taste a good wine it is usually smooth and if you are in a posh restaurant they decant the wine into a decanter. Well you can get similar results at home using the Rouge O2 wine breather. Our website stuff4blokes stocked them and I decided to give one a try and thought that it was fantastic. It really made a difference to the wine, made a mediocre bottle of wine into a good bottle of wine. Used it loads of times now and when I don't you can really tell the difference.

A couple of months ago I was driving and listening to Radio 2 when the man that created or invented the wine breather came on the radio to talk about it. Since then there has been a lot of interest in this device but it is amazing that some peopel still do not have one. It is not expensive to buy and it really makes a difference.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

TICK TOCK - Fashion or Function

What sort of watch do you have? When I ask that I mean is it a fashion statement or does it just tell the time?

My watches have always been boring, functional watches that are good time keepers - they tell me what I want to know - basically what the time is when I look at it. They are reliable and always there on my left wrist. I know that some people have them on their right wrist, some have them in their pockets and some don't bother at all. (I wonder if they are the ones that are always late and you see them running for the train or bus?)

Anyway, as part of our website we decided a few weeks ago to stock and sell a selection of men's watches. We looked around and found a couple of ranges that are exceptional value for money - in particular Louifrey Watches. We chose some to start with and they are proving quite popular.

This has started me thinking though about my watch and I have decided that a watch does not need to be boring to be functional, it can also be fashionable. It can make a statement about who you are. I am going to buy some watches for myself - yes "some" - why should I only have one watch? I can have a few watches, different styles and different colours so that I can wear a watch to match my mood, my clothes, whether I am going out or going to work. In the past I have had one watch at a time but things are going to change. The watches on our website are such good value that people buying them could buy 2 or 3 at a time. Now what I need to do is start selling stuff 4 women not just stuff4blokes and then I could buy from myself!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Adults Only

We have expanded the choice of Adult Only board games on our website Stuff4blokes. We used to just have Monogamy which was extremely popular in USA and is becoming more popular in the UK. It is a great game to play with your partner. Certainly not for prudes! We have now managed to get Lust which is exactly what it says! It is raw and raunchy and the feedback from people that have played it is fantastic. You need to be confident with who you are and who you are with to play this. We have heard of some people playing this as a Party Game - a bit too far for me. Each to their own I suppose - and if they are happy.

We have loads more games and the other half thinks that we should try before we sell I'll be back to report but please remember these are for Adults ONLY!